Raymond Track Report Horse Racing Tip Sheets – Horse racing tip sheets have been around since slice bread, but which betting strategy does horse racing players trust the most to make them money.
There are many types of horse racing betting systems bets you can make at the track or online when placing a bet on horses, but how can a tip sheet help you make money on a consistent basis.
Raymond Track Report Horse Racing Tip Sheets
The Raymond Track Report is a horse racing tip sheet which was created in April of 2020 and since that time, myself and our programming team have revamped our tip sheet and after making hundreds of “research and development” type bets, I realize a couple things.
Ron’s Horse Betting Tips:
- Without fixed odds, the odds are stacked in favor for the house!
- You do not have to make a bet on each race, pick your spots. Would you bet every inning during a baseball game? View our Checklist.
- Find Value in the following horse racing pick combination: Horse, Jockey and Trainer
- Less is more when betting – Type of Bets (Win-Place-Show) is my favorite to make money
- Exacta wagering is the best way to hit a bigger payout and Box Everything
Track Daily Racing Forms
In fact, I quickly realize during the process, reading the track daily racing form with only 10 to 20 minutes between races is like going through a legal document and trying to find that needle in the haystack.
There is a saying in sports betting, “paralysis by analysis” and that is exactly what happens when you are trying to find winning information by reading the track’s daily racing form. The fine print is stacked on 60 plus pages with information you even wonder if you need and it’s easy to over-analyze the data which will cloud your fundamental beliefs in betting.
Horse Racing Betting Fundamentals
Albert Einstein once said, the definition of insanity is …. “doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results”.
Keeping with Einstein’s theory, why then, would you keep making the same mistakes when approaching your horse racing bets and do you think now is a good time to start incorporating a game plan for betting on horses?
The Raymond Track Report is a horse racing tip sheet with to the point information and its fundamentals are based 100% on the jockeys last 100 races.
Earlier this year, I read a quote from “Betting on Horse Racing for Dummies” which stated and I found very interesting; “…top ten riders in the jockey standings win about 90 percent of the races run during the meet and that Favorites in a race win about 33% of the races at low payouts.”
Therefore, if the top Jockeys are winning or are “in the money” 90% of the time and you have anywhere from 7 to 12 races on average at the major North American Racetracks, why would you not want to have the best jockey on your WIN-PLACE-SHOW ticket or mix them in with your Exacta and Trifecta bets!
Remember, you do not have to bet on every race, pick your spots, find value in your selection, and then hammer that pick!
Raymond Report Horse Racing Tip Sheet
When reading the Raymond Report horse racing tip sheet, you will notice we provide a (Win, Place and Show) horse pick on each race along with a Joker’s Wild selection, which is normally our long shot horse pick in the race.
See Demo: Saratoga Horse Racing Tip – Race #3 for July 17th, 2020

As you can see above, the WIN-PLACE-SHOW recommendation comes with morning line odds and how much that horse will pay to win if they win the race. In the event of a late scratch, we provide alternate selections and we recommend you just bump up the picks according to which horse got scratched.
Along with the WIN-PLACE and SHOW picks, we provide Exacta and Trifecta horse racing picks and we suggest our players to “box” those selections, this way, if the horse crosses the line in any order, we have them covered.
Raymond Report Top 10 Tip Sheets
As of July 17th, 2020, the Top 10 Horse Racing Tip Sheets at the Raymond Track Report are listed below, with Gulfstream Park being our #1 tip sheet with over $2,748.10 in payouts and that’s based on a $2 wager.

Featured Tracks:
- Aqueduct Racetrack
- Belmont Park
- Belterra Park
- Churchill Downs
- Gulfstream Park
- Santa Anita Park
- Woodbine Racetrack
- Tampa Bay Downs
- Keeneland Park
- Del Mar Racetrack
- Saratoga Park
Horse Racing Value Bet Indicator
The Raymond Report Tipsheet also provides a horse racing “Value Indicator”, as we calculate the odds on every horse in the race, break it down to money line and then provide the average odds price per horse in the race and compare it with our top 3 horse picks in the race.
Best Horse and Trainers in the Race
At the bottom of each tip sheet, we provide the horse with the best win percentage in the race and players can compare those horses with our top recommendation. Same thing with the horse with the top trainer’s in the race, we give the horse that has the trainer with the best “in the money” percentage.
Give our free horse racing tip sheet a trial run and see if we can increase your bankroll with the Raymond Track Report Tipsheet.