If you are looking for a blue print on how to use the Raymond Report, 24-year veteran handicapper and the creator of the Raymond Report Ron Raymond, has put together a 17-point checklist on how to find solid indicators which will eventually lead you to a higher confidence level on a side or total of a game.
Download PDF Format: 17-Point Raymond Report Checklist
Download PDF Format: 17-Point Raymond Report Worksheet
What is the Raymond Report?
The Raymond Report is a sports handicapping tipsheet based on 3 key fundamentals of sports betting:
- Value
- Percentage Play
- P.C.I. (Performance Cycle Indicators)
- Game Date: __________________________________
- Home Team Line: ______________________________
- Visiting Team Line: _____________________________
- Home Team ATS Confidence Level: ______________________________
- Away Team ATS Confidence Level: _______________________________
- OVER Confidence Level: ________________________________________
- UNDER Confidence Level: _______________________________________
- Value Checklist Factor (20%):
- S.B.I.: Current Market Conditions – What the bookmaker needs?
Link: https://www.atsstats.com/index-average/
- (SU) Market Favorites: (_____) (SU) Market Underdogs (_____)
- (ATS) Market Favorites: (_____) (ATS) Market Underdogs (_____)
- (OVER) Market (_____) (UNDER) Market (______)
Advantage (ATS): ___________________
Advantage (O/U): ___________________
- M.S.V. vs. Bookmaker Line (Value from the Computer Forecast Page)
Link: https://www.atsstats.com/ats-forecast-game/?league_name=NFL
- Raymond Report Line Value (MSV) vs. Bookmaker Line: Is there Value?
*Note: What our line is on the game compared to the bookmaker’s line.
- Home Team Value: (______)
- Away Team Value: (______)
Advantage: ________________________________
- Raymond Report Computer Forecast:
Link: https://www.atsstats.com/ats-forecast-game/?league_name=NFL
- Home Team Computer Forecast: (_______)
- Visiting Team Computer Forecast: (______)
- Combined Computer Forecast on Total: (_____)
Advantage (ATS): ______________________________
Advantage (O/U): ______________________________
- Linemoves (Early and/or Late Line Moves)
Link: https://www.atsstats.com/steamers/
- Market Line Moves ATS: Advantage ______________________
- Market Line Moves OVER/UNDER: Advantage _______________________
- Percentage Play Checklist Factor (40%):
(Must have a minimum of 10 prior games to be active)
Link: https://www.atsstats.com/raymondreport/?leaguename=NFL
- C.O.W. % Play: (Must have a minimum of 10 games played – if not, no play)
- Home Team COW%_________________
- Away Team COW% _________________
Advantage: ___________________
- C.O.C. % Play: (Must have a minimum of 10 games played – if not, no play)
- Home Team COC% ______________
- Away Team COC%_______________
Advantage: __________________
- C.O.G.O. % Play: (Must have a minimum of 10 games played – if not, no play)
- C.O.G.O. % ___________________________
- C.O.G.U. %___________________________
Advantage _________________________
- L.O.A. Theory: (Play on a Team that Lost ATS vs. Team that Won ATS in their last game –
* add bonus points if the team LOST SU & ATS vs. team that WON SU & ATS)
Link: https://www.atsstats.com/law-pick-avg/
- (Home Team) ________________
- (Visiting Team) _______________
Advantage: __________________
- Performance Cycles Indicators Checklist Section (20%):
- S.O.S. (Strength of Schedule) LAST 3 GAMES:
Link: https://www.atsstats.com/sos/
- Home Team: ___________
- Away Team: ____________
Advantage: _______________________
- P.V.I. – S.O.S. (Against Type of Teams in Raymond Report System)
Link: https://www.atsstats.com/pvi-sos/?leaguename=NFL
- SU Advantage: _________________
- ATS Advantage: ________________
- O/U Advantage: ________________
Advantage (ATS): _______________________________
Advantage: O/U): _______________________________
- Streaks: Are the Streaks going in your favor?
*Rule of Thumb: Never bet against a streak or bet with the streak.
Link: https://www.atsstats.com/streaks/
- Home Team ATS Streaks: ________________________
- Away Team ATS Streaks: _________________________
- Combined O/U Streaks: ______________________
Advantage (ATS): ________________________________
Advantage (O/U): _______________________________
- Side Edges: Who has the edge in the Raymond Report Situational Trends section?
Link: https://www.atsstats.com/raymondreport/?leaguename=NFL
- Home Side EDGES __________
- Away Side Edges: ___________
Advantage: _________________
Totals Edges: Who has the edge in the Raymond Report Situational Trends section?
- OVER Edges: _______________
- UNDER Edges: ________________
Advantage: ___________________
- Scoring Averages (Short & Long-Term Averages) Look for consistency in offensive and defensive averages.
Link: https://www.atsstats.com/raymondreport/?leaguename=NFL
- Home Team Season Average: _____________
- Home Team L3G Average: _______________
- Away Team Season Average: ______________
- Away Team L3G Average: _________________
Advantage: _____________________________
- Days Rest Factor:
Link: https://www.atsstats.com/raymondreport/?leaguename=NFL
- Home Team Advantage (Team or League): ________________
- Away Team Advantage (Team or League): _________________
- Over/Under Advantage (Team or League): _________________
Advantage (ATS): _______________________
Advantage: (O/U): ______________________
- Situational Handicapping Color Coded Indicators (Red – Green – Yellow)
Link: https://www.atsstats.com/raymondreport/?leaguename=NFL
- SU Edges Advantage: ________________
- ATS Edges Avantage: ________________
- O/U Edges Advantage: _________________
- Old 80% Club Stats – League & Team System Trends
Link: https://www.atsstats.com/old-club-stats/
- Home Team (ATS) Advantage: ______________________
- Away Team (ATS) Advantage: _______________________
- OVER Advantage: ____________________________
- UNDER Advantage: ___________________________
- D. Self Scouting and/or Intuition Feeling (10%):
- Self Scouting and/or Intuition (Gut Feeling)
- Who do you like to win Straight up (SU)? _____________________________
- What do you like to cover the spread (ATS)? _____________________________
- Do you like the OVER or UNDER (O/U)? __________________________________
Abbreviation Meanings:
SU = Straight Up
ATS = Against the spread
O/U = Over/Under
C.O.W. = Chances of Winning
C.O.C = Chances of Covering the Spread
C.O.G.O. = Chances of Going Over (Totals)
S.B.I. = Sports Betting Index (Current Market Conditions)
P/M (L3G) = Plus/Minus of Last 3 games (Offense/Defensive Scoring)
Side Edges = Trends Edges for the Side in Raymond Report section
Totals Edges = Trends Edges for the Total in Raymond Report section
M.S.V. = Market Spread Value (Market Perception vs. Market Reality)
PVI = Performance Value Index
PVI – SOS = Performance Value Index against the Strength of Schedule
L.O.A. = Law of Average Theory (Play on a team that lost ATS vs. a team that won ATS in their last game)
3 Types of Teams in the Raymond Report (Rating System)
- Tier 1 Teams (A): 60% or higher (Above Average Teams = High Public Confidence = Low Rewards)
- Tier 2 Teams (B): 50% to 59.9% (Average Teams = Moderate Public Confidence = Medium Rewards)
- Tier 3 Teams (C): 49.9% or Lower (Below Average Teams = Low Public Confidence = High Rewards)
3 Types of Performance Cycles: (Market Confidence Levels)
MLB, NHL & NBA CYCLES: (Market Perception)
- Bullish Cycle =Team is either (7-0, 6-1, or 5-2) Last 7 games.
- Neutral Cycle =Team is either (3-4 or 4-3) Last 7 games.
- Bearish Cycle =Team is either (0-7, 1-6 or 2-5) Last 7 games.
NFL, CFB & CFL CYCLES: (Market Perception)
- Bullish Cycle =Team is (3-0) Last 3 games.
- Neutral Cycle =Team is either (1-2 or 2-3) Last 3 games.
- Bearish Cycle =Team is (0-3) Last 3 games.
Days Rest (L) = L is for League for when Any Team is on x days rest
Days Rest (T) = T is for team for when a certain team is on x days rest