Type of Teams & Performance Cycles (Bears & Bulls)
Throughout a regular scheduled season, every team goes through winning and losing streaks and finding when to bet on a team is called finding the right “Performance Cycle”.
Just like the stock market, I’ve come up with the following betting terms and cycles. The Raymond Report Value Index (VI) is based on the current market psychology of the betting public, based on a teams 7-game cycle.
Types of Teams – When you look at League Standings, you have 3 types of teams:
- Tier 1 Teams (A): 60% or higher (Above Average Teams = High Public Confidence = Low Rewards)
- Tier 2 Teams (B): 50% to 59.9% (Average Teams = Moderate Public Confidence = Medium Rewards)
- Tier 3 Teams (C): 49.9% or Lower (Below Average Teams = Low Public Confidence = High Rewards)
Type of Performance Cycles- Current market psychology of the betting public, based on a teams 3 & 7-game cycle.
- BULLISH = Team is either (3-0) in their last 3 games.
- NEUTRAL = Team is either (1-2 or 2-1) in their last 3 games.
- BEARISH = Team is either (0-3) in their last 3 games.
- BULLISH = Team is either (7-0, 6-1, or 5-2) in their last 7 games.
- NEUTRAL = Team is either (3-4 or 4-3) in their last 7 games.
- BEARISH = Team is either (0-7, 1-6 or 2-5) in their last 7 games.
*Tip: I never bet on teams who are going through a “Bearish” cycle.
Top 10 Commandments of Sports Betting
Sports Handicapper Ron Raymond along with the members of the Raymond Report Sports Betting Podcast, share their Top 10 Commandments of the Golden Rules of Sports Betting.
Please watch the Raymond Report Sports Betting Podcast for updated tips and share your “Golden Rules” on investing in the bullpen with the other “Ramblers and Gamblers”!
Bet Big Money on C-Type Teams in the Raymond Report!
Never Lay Points; Take the Points or Bet The Money Line or the Over/Under
Create Your Own Number – It's Your Number Against the Bookmakers Number!
Follow a Discipline Money Management System
Never Force a Pick because You Need Action on a Game!
Never Chase Losing Bets on a Bad Day. Bet with your wallet, not your heart!
NHL Home Favorites Coming off a 1-Goal Lost – 60% since 2011!
Never Bet Against A-Type Teams Who are Bullish at Home!
The 24-Hour Rule of Betting – Take a Day off After a Big Win – Enjoy the Win!
Never Bet on Teams Who Are in a Bearish Cycle!
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Ron’s Money Management Chart
Using Ron’s money management chart below, once you’ve decided on a team to wager on, use the following formula to determine the amounts of units to bet on that game.
Formula: Type of Team + Home/Away + Cycle = Bet Unit
Example: Columbus Blue Jackets (B Type Team) at (Home) in a (Neutral Cycle) would result in a 4 unit wager.
$5 Beer & Pizza Money Bettor in 1 Weekend (3 Days)
- 40% Winner = $-15.00
- 50% Winner = $-5.00
- 55% Winner = $5.50
- 60% Winner = $16.00
$10 Beer & Pizza Money Bettor in 1 Weekend (3 Days)
- 40% Winner = $-30.00
- 50% Winner = $-10.00
- 55% Winner = $11.00
- 60% Winner = $32.00
$25 Beer & Pizza Money Bettor in 1 Weekend (3 Days)
- 40% Winner = $-75.00
- 50% Winner = $-25.00
- 55% Winner = $50.00
- 60% Winner = $100.00
$50 Beer & Pizza Money Bettor in 1 Weekend (3 Days)
- 40% Winner = $-150.00
- 50% Winner = $-50.00
- 55% Winner = $55.00
- 60% Winner = $160.00