NHL Analysis 102423

NHL Market Analysis: A Glimpse Over 7 Days and Year-to-Date

The NHL sports betting landscape, as per the Sports Betting Index (SBI) of the Raymond Report at ATS STATS, showcases some intriguing trends for investors and enthusiasts alike.

Time-Frame Analysis:

  • 1 Day (1D):
    • Straight Up (SU): Favorites stood at 0%, implying a 100% tilt towards underdogs. This presents a bearish trend.
    • Over/Under (OU): A completely bearish sentiment with 0% for over and 100% for under.
    • Against The Spread (ATS): Here again, we see a bearish trend with favorites at 0% and underdogs at 100%.
  • 7 Days (7D):
    • SU: The market seems balanced with a 47.3% favor towards favorites and 52.7% for underdogs, indicating a neutral stance.
    • OU: A split down the middle with 49% for over and 51% for under, again, a neutral market.
    • ATS: A bearish trend continues with 28.9% leaning towards favorites and a dominant 71.1% towards underdogs.
  • Year-to-Date (YTD):
    • SU: The market shows a neutral sentiment with 55.1% for favorites and 44.9% for underdogs.
    • OU: Equally divided at 50% for both over and under, it's a neutral stance.
    • ATS: A persistent bearish sentiment with 38.7% for favorites and 61.3% for underdogs.

To further elucidate, the SBI Rating Legend classifies any percentage between 57.2% to 100% as bullish, 42.8% to 57.1% as neutral, and 0% to 42.7% as bearish.

Daily Breakdown (Last 7 Days): For a more granular perspective, let’s dive into the daily breakdown:

  • October 23, 2023:
    • SU: Favorites 0% – Underdogs 100%
    • OU: Over 0% – Under 100%
    • ATS: Favorites 0% – Underdogs 100%
  • October 22, 2023:
    • SU: Equal footing with both favorites and underdogs at 50%.
    • OU: Split evenly at 50% for both over and under.
    • ATS: Again, balanced at 50% for both favorites and underdogs.
  • October 21, 2023:
    • SU: Favorites slightly leading at 53% compared to underdogs at 47%.
    • OU: Over has the edge at 60% with under trailing at 40%.
    • ATS: Underdogs dominate at 67% leaving favorites at 33%.
  • October 20, 2023:
    • SU & OU: Both categories showcase a balanced market at 50% each.
    • ATS: A bearish trend with favorites at 0% and underdogs at 100%.
  • October 19, 2023:
    • SU & OU: An even market with both sides at 50%.
    • ATS: Underdogs lead at 75% over favorites at 25%.
  • October 18, 2023:
    • SU: Balanced at 50% for both sides.
    • OU: A bullish trend for over at 100%.
    • ATS: Evenly split at 50% for both favorites and underdogs.
  • October 17, 2023:
    • SU: Favorites lead at 78% while underdogs are at 22%.
    • OU: Under leads at 67% with over at 33%.
    • ATS: Favorites at 44% and underdogs at 56%.

In summation, while the past week has shown varied trends on a day-to-day basis, the year-to-date analysis presents a neutral to bearish sentiment in the NHL markets according to the SBI.

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